Beauty snacking, what is it?

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A phenomenon that emerged during the first confinement, ‘beauty snacking’, is gaining more and more followers around the world to the point of establishing itself as a strong trend for the coming year. It now remains to understand what is hidden behind this name and, above all, how it translates into our daily lives. We will explain everything to you!

The days of work that drag on, you know? And this famous stroke of the pump, which usually occurs an hour after the lunch break, around 3 p.m., does that speak to you? Only one solution to these two problems, a pick-me-up! But we are not talking here about coffee, tea, or even worse, alcoholic beverages… No, it is about taking a beauty shoot to combine relaxation, pleasure, and a well-deserved break. That’s what beauty snacking is all about, and the trend is already winning worldwide.

A wellness break
During confinement, working days, or rather teleworking, were long and exhausting, if not endless. As a result, the long moments of wrapping in the bath, a charcoal mask applied to the face, while waiting for a scrub and, why not, the hair ritual that follows each Saturday, have turned into micro cocooning sessions, between two contracts, reports, or other videoconferences. The objective is to take a refreshing, energizing break, so as not to be caught up in the monotony of this period of social distancing. ‘Beauty snacking’, or ‘beauty snacking’, was born.

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